Edgar Artis is 24 years old, and was born and raised in Armenia. He is a self-taught artist, although he went to a university of economics, in his country. He quit the program, because he wasn’t passionate about it at all. Shortly after he left school, he started his Instagram account and it got pretty popular fairly fast. IFA noticed him with his beautiful design sketches with objects such as food and other materials that’s the story with him getting invited into the bachelor program in design.

Q. Where do you get design inspirations from?
A. I get my inspiration from everything surrounding me or from feelings. I like expressing things and sending a message through what I do, so most of the time I get inspiration from emotions that I experience, but also my inspiration comes naturally. I can’t put it into words.
Q. How do you keep yourself updated with the latest design trends?
A. With fashion week, I watch fashion shows and do some research, because it’s part of my assignments as well. I guess I have like a sense that can sense some trends.
Q. What is your favorite project that you have ever done?
A. At IFA, I have two projects that I am very proud of. The 1st one is my knitwear project that I did by hand and I pleated it with a handmade pleating technique. The 2nd one is my recycling project made out of a net, which is to bring awareness of the plastic pollution in the oceans.
Q. What is your design approach?
A. Well I think the most important thing for me is to tell a story and send a message to people. I want to create statement designs.
Q. What areas of your work or personal development are you hoping to explore further?
A. I would like to develop the technical stuff more, like sewing and pattern making, to be able to really create the designs that I have in my mind.
Q. How do you incorporate feedback into your design work?
A. Every time the feedback that I get is a bit of a challenge for me, because I feel like I have to prove my creativity. Of course, I listen to their advice, but I try to keep my own style.
Q. What do you enjoy most about going to IFA Paris?
A. I have some fav classes. I like the small cozy school and of course my amazing friends. I like the environment in general and I have learned a lot here. I appreciate this opportunity a lot.
If you would like to see more of Edgar Artis check him out on:
YouTube: Edgar Artis
Image Source: Edgar Artis